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(Revised and translated from a poem written by an anonymous Dafa disciple)


Preface 序


Vast Universes 宇宙浩瀚
limitless Cosmoses 苍宇无极
In the endless time and space, cosmic bodies are as innumerable as the sands of the Ganges 无限广大的时空里有恒河沙一样的无量无尽的天体
Everything is turning and moving in cycle.一切都在周而复始的旋转着
When heavens deviated, and cosmoses on the blink of emptiness当天地无道,苍穹尽空
When black and white is upside down,
and the  goodness is perishing当黑白颠倒,天良沦丧
Only the eternal light shining唯有
upon the lives seeking the truth.生命追求真理的永恒光芒
The light transforms into spotless lotus化作圣洁的莲花
Opening its petal在黎明的黑夜中
In the twilight admit darkness 怒然绽放



Days of Vagabond 流浪的日子

















Several days ago前些日子
As rains happen to pour down from the sky,正逢雨自天而落
I’m walking on the road far away from my hometown, 于是索性迎着这绵绵的细雨
letting the rain fall on me softly 行走在他乡的路上

Watching the heavens and earth, and beings within in vagueness, 望着迷蒙中的天地和万物
Suddenly it comes to me 自己突然间觉的
I’ve never been so close to 今生好似没有过的
Heavens and earth that I’m one body with the nature与天地与自然的如此接近

Various vehicles passing by swiftly身边的各色车辆疾驶而过
I could feel我能感觉到
What it is like to rove around the world浪迹天涯是怎样的一种心境


With human skins,人
One walks non stop throughout one’s life.  一生就是在不断的走
One walks to work during the day,白日上班是在走
and walks in the dream at night.晚上睡觉其实也是在走

Sometime even if the body is motionless,有的时候身体虽然一动不动
But the click of time still flows pass in order.时间却有秩有序的慢慢过去

To survive, 有的人为了生存
constantlyjourney on,   一生不断的出走
and settle down at home,不断的安家
and repeatedly journey on又不断的出走
and then settle down at home. 又不断的安家
others choose to stay, get old 有的人却一生守着老屋直至终老
and perish at one’s  old house甚至陪着老屋一起消失

Roving as we are across the world,走遍天涯哪里是家?
Where is the home

Are we come here simply for love, hatred, or other experiences? 难道我们真的是为了人间这个爱恨情仇而乐而忧吗?
In fact,其实
We come
fromheavens above.我们都是来自于不同层次的宇宙空间 



The True Home 真正的家园

There are places where there are no fluctuations of dieth and birth在那里我们没有生死的无常
Free of the pain of reincarnation没有轮回的苦痛
There are boundless prosperity,
beautyand goodness over there 在那里完全是美好和数不尽的繁华
And that beauty is much more genuine and long lasting.而且这种美好更加的真实和长久
Everything is far more pure and sacred,而且更加的纯净与神圣
ofsacred light of righteous Way.到处充满着圣洁的法光

Over there,在那里
No stain of dust
andwretched thing could be found, 一点的灰尘和肮脏都没有
everything is good and immortal.有的只是美好和永恒


Over there在那里
they are not only   lofty and fairly pretty,不但威峨秀丽
but they can
alsotransformed itself into any shapes and forms at will,而且可以随意的变化形状
and they are transparent.并且是透明的
all sorts of good things are up there.上面和里边什么好东西都有

Over there树
Trees are of many breeds. 不但品种很多
Some of them could dance pretty well.而且树可以跳非常好的舞蹈
Leaves on the trees could be transformed to many shapes,  树叶可以变化成很多样子
as they open and close in order.有序的开合

Over there房屋
Houses are not only adaptable for living,不但可以入住
Their beauty and grace而且那种美好与华丽
is incomparably by that in the human world 是人间的皇宫都无法相比的
as they manifest the divinities and holiness. 显出无比的神圣



Over there生命
There is no conflicts or clashes.这里没有人间的争斗与摩擦
At that plane, there is no sentimentality of lower levels in the universe,在那个层次中由于没有低层次的“情”
one treats another only with“kindness” and “compassion”.互相之间只有“慈悲”与“宽容”
There is also
nosuchfeels as pain or sadness也就没有痛苦和哀伤的感觉
Everyday people live in happiness and rejoice,整天十分的开心、快乐
We have been like that way for eons, 我们当初都在那个层次中存在了无数的光景......
and we used to be the lords and representatives of our realms而且是那一境界的王和主 



Why You Wait For Eons and Come Here?千万年的等待为了什么

Before the last havoc arrives,大劫从天而降之前
Despite all oppression, 大法徒顶住红魔打压和
and deformation of
thosewhoprotects religious interest 宗教僧痞的污蔑和歪曲
Genuine Dafa disciples are seeking and spreading the truth 为的是寻找和传播真相
Because they know the truth is what you expecting for eons. 因为真相才是我们生命久远的期盼
Having been poisoned by lies without realizing 被红魔谎言灌输后的毒素
you are putting your and other's lives in jeopardy 你的生命命悬一线
When only the Truth can clear them off. 只有真相才能洗清

Whoever you are 无论你是谁
Whoever gods you are worshiping or believe 无论你信的神是谁
Howmuch books have you read from those saints 读过多少经卷
You have been seeking and waiting for eons 千万年的轮回,亿万年的等待
For the day when the Lord of Creator wakes you up 就是为了等待末劫时创世主把你唤醒的那天
And bring you back to heavens 带你回归
Only his(her) wisdom which creates new heavens, earth, and divines can do this.只有他(她)的智慧,大法大乘才能把你带回天堂
Finding Dafa and following him(her) is the hope of the beings of your cosmic body world.得法必等创世主他(她)才是你世界众生的希望!


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